Teens Take Babies Home


Child development students are currently getting the infant simulator for their project. Child development will go over things like birth, finances of having a child, and actually getting an infant simulator. Child development is a great class to teach you all about what happens to your body during pregnancy and really diving deeper into responsibilities you will have later in life if you decide to have kids. The baby simulator is why most students take child development; it’s a good way to let students know how well they will interact with a baby at their age, some might love some might hate it.

The baby simulator comes with a bracelet that you wear at all times, the bracelet will calm the baby down when it cries. Also the baby simulator eats,sleeps and uses the bathroom, if these things aren’t taken care of your grade for the project will go down. Another thing is that the baby is sensitive to how gentle you are with the baby, if you are too rough or not supporting the head of the baby there’s a possibility that you can kill your baby and if so it will just turn off. You need to care for it as if its a real baby in order to get a good grade.

The students are usually excited for the infant simulator, but most of the students have fun the first day but as time goes by the infant simulator acts more complicated. This sorta thing can be nerve racking.The students don’t realize how difficult it is to take care of a child. I know this because my sister had the infant simulator freshman year and I saw how she struggled,especially during the night. Charity Jones (senior) said, “The first day with the baby was nerve racking, I was anxious about the assignment how everything would go. It was hard the first day but by the second and third day I got the hang of it. I actually did like having the infant simulator because getting the grade I got made me feel good about everything I did. I would do it again, I actually enjoyed the assignment. Charity enjoyed her experience with the baby simulator but others might not.