Committing to Tolerance

Sandy Sanchez, Reporter

Tolerance is essential at all times.
On one hand we have cultural differences, that
Lead students to learn of various lifestyles,
Either through religion or race, and
Revive interracial communications,
All the while teaching youth the power of acceptance.
Necessary in all schools because
Change can create inseparable bonds, all while
Embracing ourselves and others.

Below are just a few observations from faculty and fellow students about the value of tolerance throughout our high school. Each individual expressed concerns and hopes for a stronger bond among the school community.

T: “In the school there is a lot of diverse people and everyone brings their own

culture and talent to the school, that is why people need to be more open

and understanding of other people’s cultures and opinions.”

~ Mrs. Beatrice Porro

O: “Personally for me, tolerance is necessary in high school because the

students need to understand one another’s differences and learn to accept

others as individuals.”

~ Miguel Meza (Sophomore)

L: “Tolerance should be the core of every high school environment, because

diversity is at large.”

~ Maria Sanchez (Junior)

E: “We need a lot of tolerance in the school because I notice in certain

occasions there isn’t much in our everyday school environment.”

~ Denise Vazquez (Junior)

R: “It is needed in school because we have people that are of different races

and sexual orientations.”

~ Elliott Salgado (Freshman)

A: “It’s good for people to be accepting of other people’s differences so that

kids don’t end up getting bullied.”

~ Annalise Schildgen (Freshman)

N: “I think tolerance is a necessary when dealing with other students. For

example when someone is being really annoying– because acting out and

making a scene would just get you in trouble.”

~ Oscar Lopez (Senior)

C: “The students at East Leyden should all consider tolerance as the core of

their learning environment since we are constantly surrounded by fellow

students of all backgrounds.”

~ Velina Zhelyazkova

E: “Tolerance is essential at all times, especially in an academic setting.

Accepting and embracing our differences helps us grow and allows us to

form bonds with people of different backgrounds, races, and religions, to

name a few.”

~ Najera Veljkovic (Senior)