Faculty Football Game 2013

Nicole Covello, Taylor Calderon, & MacKenzie LeDuc


Faculty Football Game 2012

Last year’s faculty football game was more than a fun fulfilled night of entertainment for both students and teachers: it was a night where students and teachers came together to give support and donations for West Leyden freshman Brody Roybal.

Roybal, now a sophomore, was born without legs. This is a very tough disability for anyone to live with, perhaps even more so for a kid who enjoys playing sports.

Luckily for Brody there was hope.

An organization called the Chicago Hornets is a national organization that provides youths with physical disabilities the opportunity to be part of a competitive sled hockey team.

Roybal has been part of this organization since he was only 7 years old.

For this year’s 2014 season, Roybal has a chance to play in the adult sled hockey league despite being only 15 years old.

The 2014 sled hockey team list comes out in December, and Roybal is hoping to be on it.

Faculty Football Game 2013

Proceeds from the upcoming faculty football game will continue the tradition of providing aid to someone from the Leyden community.

This season, teachers from both campuses will be battling on the field to help provide aid for East Leyden senior Kasey Scotella.

Scotella suffers from multiple seizure disorders.

At school, Scotella is escorted by one on one aides to ensure her safety. Outside of school, she is watched carefully by family members.

All money raised from the faculty football event will be paid to the Northern Indiana Service Dogs organization for the purchase of Jennifer, a 34 pound mixed breed who will ultimately help Scotella in obtaining greater independence from her condition.

Scotella will be eligible to receive Jennifer once she is fully trained in the spring of 2014.

Due to the high cost of training, seizure dogs can range in price from $6,000-$8,000. The Sports and Entertainment Marketing classes at both campuses are hoping the Leyden community can help make a difference through support & donations, in order to reach Scotella’s dream of buying Jennifer.

The 2013 Faculty Football Game will take place on Thursday, September, 26 at 6 pm at the West Leyden Football Stadium. There is no entrance fee, rather a $3 donation is being asked of all attendees.

Faculty football t-shirts are also available for $10 from any Sports and Entertainment Marketing student, as well as from Sally Lakdawala at East or Tim Murphy at West.