The Few. The Proud.

Marine Recruitment Process


The Few. The Proud. 2 very true things about the marines. It takes a specific kind of person to be a marine, you have to want it, to feel it. It takes a certain determination and mental strength to be a marine. For those that make it and can call themselves marines, there isn’t a single one not proud of it.  It is a life changing experience. Not only just what happens around you but even yourself, after bootcamp you will be at peak physical health. You will the best and can call yourself a marine for life. When i first met with my recruiter it wasn’t like the others, it felt different. It wasn’t this persistent recruiter trying to tell you all they can offer as a whole or telling me all these financial benefits and stuff. My recruiter was straight with me, it was all my choice and my effort that will get me in. It was about what they can do for you,  not what you can do for them. The only things she told me about the marines is what would benefit me as an individual. The common interests were broken down into about 20 different tags from challenge and self disciple to financial benefits or travel and adventure. You would pick 3 and they will explain the 3 things you are interested in and how they can give you what you want.  From there i was asked “Do you want to be a marine?.” That question is what will take you to the next step. You see, the marines doesn’t take anyone. They won’t even start talking about what jobs you want until you take an asvab and do your full medical physical at M.E.P.S. They have to figure out everything about you and your body and background. It is a long process and is full of dangers that can keep you from enlisting. But if you can make it through that process, you will be an enlisted marine.


I don’t call myself a marine yet until i finish boot camp. Boot camp is the longest of any branch and it is the toughest. Broken down into 3 phases it will be the biggest challenge you will have. You will broken mentally and physically to test you and train you to be the best. You will destroy all your fears, the only thing you can fear at bootcamp is your own fear. Anyone can do bootcamp, you have to put the effort to do it. You have to have that determination and mental strength i talked about. At this moment i am training myself to be ready for the training. Every Wednesday there is a marine P.T (physical training) for anyone from enlisted to just guests wanting to work themselves. Already practicing formation and general orders. It always sounds funny to train for training but it is needed. To be a marine it takes effort, more than any other branch. They are all great but no branch is more proud than the marines because they are “The Few.” and “The Proud.”