Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Video Game Club’s Recent Tournament Showcased Black Ops II

The Video Game Club had their first tournament of the year in the Little Theater after school on Thursday December 13.

Tournaments are typically from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.  Gamers arrive, sign up there and pay $5 to cover pizza and prizes. There are multiple games that students can play and go head to head against each other.

“We are supposed to have 4 different games going on; Halo 4, Black Ops, Mortal Combat, and Smash Brothers. You go head to head, whoever wins they get to move on to the next round and keep doing that until two are left,”  said Video Game Club adviser Arturo Martinez.

This year, the big release that had gamers talking was the newest Call of Duty,  Black Ops II, which was released on November 13 and shattered the pre-order sales record.

The game sold more than 1 million copies during its midnight premiere. The estimate was that 6.5 to 7.2 million units would sell in the U.S. and U.K. within the first 24 hours of the release suggesting that Black Ops II would exceed the sales of last year’s Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare 3.

For junior Jeremy Demann, one of the members of Video Game Club, this is his second tournament.

“I enjoy being with friends and playing Call of Duty. [The] only thing that sucks is when you got a friend who is better than you,” he added.

His initial thoughts of Black Ops 2 were that, “the new black ops is way better. They fixed the knifing, hitmarkers, and everything that was wrong with it before.”

But he added that “only thing that sucks is that they put guns that are too overpowered. There has not been a single game that’s been real good, but they did real good on this one. I like this the most out of all the Call of Duties.”

The game brings back Zombies with new features and three different ways to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Jeremy also had some impressions on the new Zombie mode.

“They upped the Zombies, you can do hell of a lot more in there. You can pick up stuff, build stuff, you have a lot more ways to survive, you can deposit points which was one of the big things people were debating. What I’m looking forward for Treyarch to do is actually make a whole game based on Zombies.”

Martinez has been the adviser for Video Game Club for the past 3 years and he mentioned how he took over the club last year and the tournaments “last year, we had two of them all at the same time closer to the end of the semester. Ideally what I want to do is have them once a semester,” he said.

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