Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Last Week’s National Library Week Interrupted

Last week, the Leyden media centers had students and staff involved in various activities as part of National Library week.

The week started off with students taking a reading survey during their second period class on Monday morning.

Tuesday was ¨Pack the Place¨ where the objective was to get teacher to bring their classes to the library to read for the period, and pack the place with as many students as possible.

On Wednesday from 2:30-3:00 the Leyden community dropped everything and read as part of D.E.A.R. or 30 minutes of Drop, Everything you’re doing, And just, Read.

The big event was the reading chair contest which was scheduled for Thursday. Five different teachers created a team of students and staff. Then, each team was to have one representative for each period sit in a reading chair and read for the whole period. Winners would be announced on Friday.

However, due to the school closings on Thursday and Friday this event did not proceed. There is talk of rescheduling the event, but the date has yet to be announced.

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