Seniors at Beginning of the End

Thoughts about This Last Year

Zitlali Montiel-Martinez, Features Editor

A few seniors explained their thoughts as they start their final year and reflect on what regrets they don’t want to have upon graduation.

wayllonWayllon Lu: “I think that it’s crazy that we’re here already.  The past three years flew by, and I want to make the most out of our last year.  I really just want to spend as much time with the friends I’ve made, and I want senior year to be a memorable one.”

“I definitely want to participate in as many Leyden events as possible.  I don’t think that I fully comprehend that this is it.  Our last year but at the same time I’m super excited for what’s next!”

hannahHannah Cullerton: “Graduating is almost a scary thought. Yet, it’s exciting as well. It reminds us that a chapter of our lives is ending, but nothing one is just about to start. So I would say that even though I’m sad to leave high school, I’m even more excited to see what the world has to offer after graduation.”

“I don’t want to regret not doing everything I can to enjoy myself. I want to make the most of my high school years and I want to make sure I don’t regret the choices I have made over these four years.”

matiMati Szelazek: “I’m really excited to graduate this year and move on… new and exciting clubs and sports in college. It’s kinda like the transition from middle school to high school. There’s a lot of new things to be excited about in college, especially living by myself–out of state… to become an adult and be responsible for everything but also reap the benefits of being an adult.”

“I don’t want to regret not spending enough time with my friends, and I also don’t want to regret doing really bad in my season. Otherwise, the only thing I’m going to regret when I leave is not sleeping enough in high school.”

romeelRomeel Adde: “I have two thoughts. One is that I can’t wait to start my life in college and get out of the area for a little bit. On the other hand, kinda scared to move on [because] it’s going to be all by myself. Overall, I’m kinda neutral about it but I’m looking forward to it.

“I wanna make sure that I tell everyone, if there is something on my mind I want to make sure I say it. If there’s something I want to do, I actually wanna do it. I don’t want to be the scared little freshman that I was a few year ago.”

Dulce Paz: “I’m pretty scared to graduate this year actually but I feel like this year is preparing me a lot and the past years have helped a lot too. So, I think i’m ready for this especially to leave and be away from some people.”

“I think there’s a couple things, I for sure want to have as much school spirit as I can before I leave because I think there’s a lot of that at this school. Also I want to be able to tell all the people that I care about and express to them how much I do care for them. I guess I just don’t want to regret everything that is offered to me and I don’t want to skip out for some not-so great reason.”

laviniaLavinia Santos: “I think it’s actually pretty scary considering it’s a big decision, so I mean it’s coming up- I mean I’m excited for it, I’m excited to actually start real life. But, it’s pretty unrealistic.”

“I don’t want to regret not being able to do everything that I actually wanted to do. And just giving everything my all: my sport, work, homework. Basically, I want to have a good year.”

Keep up the hard work seniors, it’ll pay off in less than a year!