Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Watching over East Leyden

The Eagle's Eye

Orchesis Show 2013

After many weeks of preparation Leyden’s Orchesis performed their 2013 show, titled Break Through, on Friday, February 1 and Saturday, February 2.

Orchesis is a student choreographed dance group. This means that most of the dances are choreographed by the students.

Like many sports, these dancers practice many hours before the show. Starting from two days a week, to every day two weeks before the show. On their last week of practice they focused on cleaning up each and every dance.

For some dancers this was their last time ever performing on stage with the Orchesis team.

Senior and co-captain, Rubi Nevarez said that she was looking forward to have fun with her whole team one last time.

This show brought new experiences to both the dancers and the audience.

The dancers had the opportunity to learn new dance styles, such as an African dance taught by a professional choreographer.

Head coach Stephanie Zeppetello was expecting the dancers to really give it their all and “to really embody each character of each dance.”

Dancers did a very good job doing what was expected from them. They gave each dance their all and really added character into it.

The show had a good turnout and the auditorium had a full house.

Although the season is over for the Orchesis team, they did perform one last time this past Friday at the fashion show.

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