Hallelujah to the Fine Arts Department
Earlier this week, Leyden held its annual Music of the Holidays concert. This concert features Leyden’s band and choir in separate and combined pieces. These performing music groups are either an extracurricular activity or class. For the curricular classes, the students are graded on performing at this concert. The extracurricular activities, such as the Chamber Singers, meet everyday after school to practice their music for upcoming events. But this is the time when all music groups get together and share one concert.
The concert will consist of beginner bands as well as advanced groups who used some recycled music. The bands and choirs performed christmas songs that you might know. A number of audience members really liked how their was a big variety of music in every group and cause many different emotions. Hannah Kumpfer, a former student of East Leyden and involved music student said, “I love hearing all of the different groups perform because I love Christmas music so much,” she said, “and hearing it all just gets me into the Christmas spirit even more than I already am.
Also, hearing live music is a way more intimate experience than hearing it on the radio.” It is great to hear from a former student that still enjoys the art that the students made last week. In fact, quite a few alumni were at the concert and enjoyed the concert very much.
Christmas is considered a time when we get together with our families and enjoy the time together. Sharing the music that the students made last week, showcased the dedication and passion that all these students have. In a very ‘Miller’ fashion way, the concert ended with all of the groups combined to perform Hallelujah Chorus, which was described as “…one of the hardest songs to play” said Junior Cassandra Diaz; She is apart of the Orchestra. And said that after performing at the concert for three year, she really has to watch the directors so she does not fall behind. Now remember this is the last song, where every group is on one single stage and two directors conducting. Of course the groups did have to practice many times. Nevertheless, the performance was outstanding. It consisted of many laughter and down parts. We can’t wait to see what the next concert holds for us!